Pol Star er eitt framúr gott neutralt reins. Tað kann brúkast til sera nógv, tað er tó serliga ætla til leður, alcantara og tekstil, sum setur og dúrk. Skittur verður tikin burtur frá teimum djúpu fibrunum, og kann verða tikið upp aftur við antin ein mikrofibur klúti ella ein vátdústsúgvara.
Tað leggjur ikki merkir eftir sær og hevur varðveitingarevni í sær, sum er sera gott til eitt nú leður og alcantara.
Hetta er eisini trygt, at nýta á plast, hóast tað ikki stendur í vørulýsingini. So, ynskir tú eitt innan reins, ið kann alt, so er tað Pol Star tú skal hava.
Areas Of Use:
- Leather, alcantara and textiles, etc.
- Depending on the dirt accumulation, apply a 1:5 to 1:20 solution with a spray bottle, microfiber mitt or similar and allow to react for a short time
- Work in carefully with a sponge or microfiber cloth in the direction of the main fibers
- Wipe up product residues and foam with a damp cloth or a wet/dry vacuum cleaner
- For use in spray extraction and other carpet/upholstery cleaners, we recommend the addition of Kocentschäumer defoaming agent.
- Before using, check color-fastness and material compatibility
- This product information can advise you only without obligation. Liability on the part of Koch-Chemie cannot be derived. Please check whether the product is suitable for your application.
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Pol Star 1L - Innan reins
Tilboðsprísur169,90 kr