Gevið gætur kann eisini nýtast sum vanlig bilsápa, tvs. í spann
Gentle Snow Foam er ein sera góð skúm sápa, sum eisini kann brúkast sum vanlig bilsápa, tvs. í spann. GSF hevur sera góðan skúm eginleikar, hon er Ph- neutral, so hon er trygg at nýta. Hetta ger hana eisini trygga, at nýta um tað er okkurt slag av lakkverju á bilinum.
GSF kann eisini blandast við Koch Chemie Green Star fyri eitt sindur eyka power og skúm.
- Pour approx. 20 ml Snow Foam into 1 liter (1 quart) of water
- Lather the vehicle using a foam sprayer. If necessary, clean with washing mitts or similar and rinse with water.
- To handwash: Pour 50 ml into 10 liters (2.5 gallons) of water, clean the vehicle with washing mitts and rinse with water.
- Perfectly suitable for application using a foam gun: Pour 10-30 ml Green Star into the pre-mixed Snow Foam solution.
- Before using, check suitability and compatibility. Do not let dry.
- This product information can advise you only without obligation. Liability on the part of Koch-Chemie cannot be derived. Please check whether the product is suitable for your application.
Vel møguleika

Gentle Snow Foam 1L (Skúm og vanlig sápa)
Tilboðsprísur199,90 kr