Finish Spray Exterior er eitt allround detailing spray fyri allan bilin uttan. Tað kann brúkast til lakkið, glas og plast. Tað inniheldur eisini "limescale remover", ið kann taka burtur vatnrestir. FSE reinsar og viðlíkaheldur alt í einum. Tað gevur eisini sera góðan glans og gevur eitt lag av verju.
Vit viðmæla hetta ikki til bilar, ið hava keramiska lakkverju.
Áðrenn ein nýtir eitt detailing spray verður viðmælt at vaska bilin sum vant áðrenn.
Areas Of Use:
- External surfaces of vehicles (paintwork, glass, plastic)
- Use the spray bottle to apply evenly to the areas to be treated
- Polish off with a soft, quality microfiber cloth
- Do not use in vehicle interiors or on acid-sensitive surfaces. Do not use on hot surfaces. Before using, check suitability and compatibility
- This product information can advise you only without obligation. Liability on the part of Koch-Chemie cannot be derived. Please check whether the product is suitable for your application
- Skal ikki nýtast um bilurin hevur eina keramiska lakkverju
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Tilboðsprísur169,90 kr