Allround Surface cleaner er eitt reins, ið kann brúkast til stórt sæð alt. ASC verður ofta brúkt til motorrúm, máttir, plast og dúrkið. Tað er einfalt og trygt at nýta á næstan alt. Hetta kann eisini nýtast í ein Tornador Gun. Tað síggja ikki restir og merkir eftir brúk, um nýtt rætt. Sí vegleiðing á vøruni ella niðanfyri.
Areas Of Use:
- Smooth surfaces, stainless steel, plastic, leather and textiles (textiles with cleaning gun)
- Spray undiluted onto stained area, let it absorb for a short while and wipe it with a microfiber cloth
- Alternatively spray undiluted with the cleaning gun, then switch off the chemical spray and dry with compressed air
- Before using, check suitability and compatibility
- This product information can advice you only without obligation. Liability on our part can not be derived. Please check whether the product is suitable for your application. We will be pleased to assist you
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Allround Surface Cleaner 500ml
Tilboðsprísur124,90 kr